Juniper is just one of the 10 exotic botanicals’distilled by vapor infusion in Bombay Sapphire. However, only a short drive into the wilderness nearMichelangelo’s birthplace, Caprese Michelangelo, TF discovered one of BombaySapphire’s secrets: their juniper berries are all grown, farmed, harvested andselected right here in Tuscany. Not many people, however, would associate theiconic vivid blue bottle of Bombay Sapphire London Gin with the fields ofTuscany, let alone link it to a select few local producers in the ruralcountryside of Arezzo. Īnti-aGin continued, “The ingredients were specifically chosen due to their revitalising qualities, including healing sun damage, being rich in minerals, inhibiting scar formation and to help smooth cellulite.” The gin also contains “aromas of chamomile and tea tree, with a spicy hit formed of nettle, witch-hazel and gotu kola complementing a classic base of juniper, coriander and Angelica root” with a “cardamom finish.” Well, it sounds interesting enough.Įveryone is familiar with the black rooster label, which has come tosymbolize one of Tuscany‘s most famous areas and products, the Chianti Classicoand its full-bodied red wine. brand, Anti-aGin is distilled with collagen and other “anti-aging botanicals” in order to “help people look younger whilst having fun”. Cleverly named brand Anti-aGin promised consumers a younger appearance upon drinking their gin.

The fountain of youth is full of gin, y’all.

If You Drink Gin Every Night Will You Look Younger Other ways the is used is as dried fruit. It’s used for its medicinal purposes as an essential oil, made by steam distillation of the crushed, dried, or fermented berries. Common UsesThe most common culinary use of the is as a spice used to flavor gin.